Standard line blinds are normally rated to a maximum temperature of 327 degrees C. Fetterolf has designed fast acting line blind that can extend this range to 800 degrees C (1,427 F) and higher on request.

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10 inch ASME 300# High Temperature Cam-Slide 10 inch ASME 300# High Temperature Cam-Slide

High Temperature Design

The Fetterolf High Temperature Cam-Slide is a unique development that enables the fast acting line blind to withstand temperature up to 800 degrees C and beyond. The Cam-Slide has been completely re-designed to handle these extreme temperatures. It has the following key features:

  • Reinforced and reversible Cam mechanism
  • Bellows/expansion joint pipe seal design
  • Graphite spiral wound gaskets for the face seals
  • Special materials for elevated temperatures

High temperature line blinds are highly engineered products that must take account of the operating temperature at pressure in order to avoid deflection, correct material selection in order to avoid stress or creep rupture as well as the correct wall thickness in order to meet ASME code.